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Travis Brown, CEO of First Rule Media Network, brings you the First Rule Minute.

Some of First Rule Ventures’ clients have utilized 3D printers for mobile innovation labs, giving the Boy Scouts of America a chance to develop and create tools necessary for their training. What does this mean for printing going forward? And will Travis love it or shove it?


3D Printing Factory Mass Customization – Medical Applications A Place To Start For 3D Printing

Kegan Schouwenburg came up with the idea for SOLS while working for Shapeways. “What are we gonna do with 3D printing?” she wondered. “What is gonna take this from hobbyist technology to really mass consumer sector.”


DIY 3D Printed EOS Lip Balm!

How To Print Out A REAL EOS! Watch Me Use A 3D PRINTER! 4D EOS!